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    Message from xnappo on 2/6 2007, 00:03 +00:00

    Re: do action=list equivalent in perl?

      Well, I had the same problem.... You want my really really hacky solution?

      <font color="#FFFFFF">
      <font size="-4">
      <do action=all Case==paco>

      This basically does a dummy inquiry - it returns "no match found" so I make the font white temporarily!

      I know, I know - horrible! But I couldn't figure out anything else for the exact same password issue.


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    Message from Darrel Damon on 2/5 2007, 03:35 +00:00

    do action=list equivalent in perl?

      I have been experimenting around and have run into a limitation that someone must have worked around in the past.

      I have a database that I have implemented password protection on. I have used the code here for a database with a controlling user database and have that working fine.

      The only problem is with the output. Since I am in perl with the password routines, I either have to format the output using perl commands, or use the built in perl functions (do_all) or try to use the perl "out" command.

      "out" is not working since anything I output in perl seems to not work. For example, out "<do action=list...>"; outputs nothing.

      Also, there seems to be no equivalent to the action=list command, such as a do_list command in the perl library.

      Has anyone a good way to format output in perl? Basically, I want a simple listing without the "Search All New" banner at the top of the listing.

      Christoph - a "do_list" command similar to the "do_all" command would be outstanding.

      Thanks all.
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    Message from xnappo on 2/6 2007, 00:03 +00:00

    Re: do action=list equivalent in perl?

      Well, I had the same problem.... You want my really really hacky solution?

      <font color="#FFFFFF">
      <font size="-4">
      <do action=all Case==paco>

      This basically does a dummy inquiry - it returns "no match found" so I make the font white temporarily!

      I know, I know - horrible! But I couldn't figure out anything else for the exact same password issue.


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    Message from darrel damon on 2/6 2007, 21:21 +00:00

    Re: do action=list equivalent in perl?

      I'm not sure how that is going to help me. Here is the code snippit that I am working with

      if($name_in ne "")
      get "Name==!$name_in", "users";
      if($Password ne "" && $Password eq $password_in)
          do_all "", "name_in", "password_in";
        } else
          out "<b>Access denied!</b>";


      I need to replace the do_all "", "name_in", "password_in"; line with something that approximates the do action=list command.

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